
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

truck stop humor

     Oct 1, 2009
      truck stop humor

       i think my shifting is getting better at least will is yelling less. this is probably our fourth trip from to kent and im felling more comfortable down shifting  when going up hill.  ive figured out 20 to 30 thousand pounds is the what i like. but boy oh boy,   above that 43,45 thousand pounds, like paper rolls from the mill. i hate shifting with   that weight.

      it usually my turn to drive during  the day and that means i get to cross shasta and ashland.  but by 5 or 6 pm we are looking for   a place to switch drivers, will is busy counting his hours some times when it is dark he takes over un-officially.

      today we changed drivers at the truck stop in aurora, near salem.  as we got closer to the truck stop a sweet voice came on the cb asking...in her sweetest southern drawl.....

if anybody   was going to los angels. shes been trying to catch a ride all day.... and  as is my nature,  i started being sarcastic, answering her in my best southern drawl.....

honey, youve been trying all day to get a ride to la, what is wrong with this world when a working girl cant get a job, well bless your working little heart, opps i guess its not your heart that does all the work. honey, you are just sooo  sweet your giving me a tooth ache, tell me sugar,where your from do they pronounce it skank, or whore.... and you get the idea.  then towards the end of my rant i was saying...
give me a break that lot lizard needs to get a real job and stop stealing money from the working men around here... her accent is as phony as mine.

well i figured this was in the privacy of the truck but i didnt notice that will  had reached over and was holding  the mic on the cb. so everyone at the truck stop heard me. 
the cb traffic was dead silent for about 2 minutes. then one guy driver came on and said, so you think there's going to be any action around here tonight. 
 since there are not a lot of women drivers its hard to remain anonymous on the cb.
needless to say, i didnt go in and use their bathroom. down the road we went. 

i guess that will cost me karma points.

      will thought it was the funniest thing ever.
      its nice to know that after 27 years will is finally learning to appreciate the Adams Family since of humor.

love and miss you all