
Friday, June 3, 2011

just another week

    Well another beautifully scenic drive from Oregon to Indiana, Maryland to Virginia to Tennessee. Sometimes I think how lucky I am to get paid to drive through these beautiful places, but then I quickly come to my senses   and wonder why the hell am I driving at all.

                                elvis must be expecting me
We drive through Birmingham Alabama again, and now with a better camera I can take better pictures of the tornado damage that was done april 27, about 1 month ago.  It is quite a site to see the devastation. every time we drive through there, I am amazed at the power of that tornado.

 One of the most amazing sites, to me anyway, it the fact the it went from left to right,(or right to left I wasn’t there) from one side of the highway to the other side. There is a pull off in what use to be a business parking lot that the big trucks use and the cars stop on the other side where what use to be a gas station.  That is where we walk over to, to take the pictures.   
Everytime I see it I wonder what I would do. Where do you even start. Do you clean up or just leave and start over someplace else.  Its not even your stuff you are going through. Your stuff was blown 25 miles away.!! Do they put stuff that isn’t theirs in a box out on the curb marked ‘not ours, yours?’
we couldn’t get down into the mess only workers and looked like home owners there. So everyone has to view from up at the gas station.  It is curious to see one house reduced to a pile of lumber and bricks while the one behind it has minor damage. 

There was a news story about a restaurant in Joplin, Mo that was destroyed by  a tornado but 2 plates of food were untouched by the wind, still sitting at the booth.  
Part of our travels took us to Miami and Atlanta then to Denver. The people were crazy drivers.  We saw 2 accidents that involved 3 or 4 cars. Just following too close, and one person puts on the breaks and the next 3 rear end each other. Saw several trucks following cars only a foot or two off the cars bumper. The problem the truck has is that the car should have pulled over to the right because it ws going slower than the rest of traffic. But that truck driver should know better than that. That is more dangerous than one cars follow just off our bumper thinking they are getting better fuel miles, (drafting like nascar.) when I have a car on my bumper I tap the rear lights to see if he will back off, if not just slow down. Eventually he comes around flips me off and I can get back up to speed. Idiots. How fast do they think they can stop?  I know none of you drive like that.
Atlanta was so, so hot. Got there just in time for a heat wave.  It was 97’ and must have been 80 % humidity…Yea me. 
                          oh fiddle dee dee, whats a girl to do
we had some time before our pick up so we were going to walk over and eat at this bbq place, but when we got close we saw limo’s in the parking lot and figured we were not dressed well enough and just got Chinese, again.
We wrapped up the week in Denver. When we took the load our dm said we would be set up to get a coors load back to Virginia. Good miles.  When we got there they didn’t have any thing for us. After waiting 4 hours we finally got a load to phoenix. will tells me not to worry and reminds me that phoenix is a dry heat.  I said, like the oven?
Love and miss you all