Aug 7, 2009
heading north suicide
after a very windy night in kennewick washington we are off to make our home depot deliverys. kennewick, richland, moses lake and omak. along the way we are hoping to find a walmart so we can pick up a few supplies. number one on the list diet pepsi vanilla. the last walmart did not have any so i had to settle for diet dr. pepper. (and we need more drink water too)
so far everyone has been nice, no big problems. one nice man even offered me a cookie.... after he gave me #$%& while i was backing up and parking. and after i did it right he came back on the cb and said well, well give the little lady a cookie.
it makes will more nervous when i park than it makes me. i know im learning, but will doesnt want me putting up with all the negative comments, he usually turns the cb off when i start to park, but he forgot that time. but i can do an angle back good enough now. so i guess i can only get better right.i think he is afraid that people will watch this swift driver try to back and it will be taking so long etc, he is afraid it makes him look bad, and with 30 years experience he doesnt want to put up with that.
we are in omak washington , we probably wont get a reload out of here, so looks like we are here for 34 hours. we did get to a walmart and yes they did have diet vanilla pepsi.
omak is famous ~~if thats what you want to call it~~ for the omak suicide race. its going on this weekend. it involves horses and riders. they start with a 120 foot full gallop, the horses and riders continue down a 210 foot down hill at a 62 degree angle. after a panicked swim of more that 100 yards the horses face the final grueling uphill sprint. over the past 25 years 20 horses have died. for the life of me i dont know why any town would want this as their claim to fame.
this is from their web site.
so needless to say we wont be enjoying any local events on this 34 hours off. we'll just hang out at the truck stop.
hope everyone is doing well
love and miss you,