Oct 15, 2009
california rain
the first rain in california may be a welcome sight to the firefighters, but nobody knows how to drive in the rain. what a mess. we spent 2 1/2 hours driving 12 miles of I5 thru sacramento trying to head north to kent. a south bound semi skidded over the jersey barrier. the cab was north bound, but the trailer was stuck on the barrier.
there were car skids too but i didnt get pictures of that. then just past sacramento out of city limits there was a semi (south bound) that a big gust of wind pushed him across the grassy -and muddy- medium finally stopping just a few feet short of the north bound side. he kept it up-right thou. good driving.

it was awfully windy and rainy when i was driving. and i dont mean to complain to the universe about my job, because i really need this job, but, this sucks!!
.............................DRIVE CAREFUL EVERYONE........................
i continue to improve my shifting going up hill. depending on the weight of the load, i dont always have to turn the jake brakes off to make my shift.
our south bound loads look like they are going to be from a target distribution center in sumner. the trailer 's finale destination is phoenix, but we take it to fresno, another team completes to run. we heard through the grape vine, that swift took the contract for fedex from intersate. also heard that instead of fresno pickup it will be changing to kettleman city, about 70 miles south. but we will see if the rumors come true. i dont know why we cant get a south bound fedex, im sure they have stuff going south. but im sure that would make too much since.
anyway, gotta go to bed.
love and miss you all,