
Thursday, January 12, 2012

rear window or cabin fever....???

January 12, 2012
Under considerable duress, my oldest daughter is forcing me to write about our recent stay in Memphis.
I wish I could tell you the following is a combination of Alfred Hitchcock's Rear Window, The Soprano's, Sons of Anarchy, with maybe a little cabin fever thrown in. But I'll let you decide.
Before that I need to set the scene........
While the truck was in the shop we stayed where we usually stayed. The beautiful,**mostly affordable** Motel 6 on East Brooks in Memphis. 

The surrounding area sucks.

It is mostly industrial. The convenience store across the street has bars on the inside. Everything is behind the glass and bars. You have to tell the clerk, behind the bullet proof glass, what you want, you point to the bread, the chips, the salsa, the beer and after you pay for it they slide it into a lazy Suzann like thing, spin it and you get your grocery's. Only one place delivers to the hotel, Yep, Chinese Food. Not bad food but not for a week. There are not even continuous sidewalks.
We went for a walk and Will promised it would be to a well populated, ok area.   after about half an hour I tell him I didnt bring my wallet, he said why he has money if I want to buy some water. I said no I just dont want the police report to say.. and victim B was found over there.
Real newspaper article"....A Memphis strip club shut was down for the second time in less than 10 months. Nearby businesses describe “Babes of Babylon” as a haven for drugs, prostitution, and crime....They would bring a lot of trouble and we recently got robbed, said the Motel 6 manager Diptesh Patel....In December 2010 the strip joint was shut down for prostitution and drugs...."

Being about 3 miles from Graceland, and about 10 miles from Beale Street, you'd think the area would be a little more upscale or at least clean.
So before we check in we go to Walmart, get food to last a week, then we settle in at the hotel. The Hotel is fine. Big bed, nice shower, refrigerator, microwave and tv. 
We always joke about the hotel being next door to the Babylon strip club. Will is always volunteering to go see if they have hot wings there. He's helpful like that. 
Well a few hours after we arrived there was a knock on the door. When I answered it the “woman” on the other side looked surprised to see me answer, and asked if i have been in this room a while, I said yes and she said ok and left. HUM??? *clue # 1
The next night there is a fight in the room next to ours. Not a clue to the mystery just thought you should know we could not hear everything, very frustrating.
The 3rd night there is a ton of traffic. At the far corner of the hotel. Cars coming and going all night. I even timed it. Every 20 minutes a black suv would leave and a different car would come and stay for 20 minutes * clue #2. 
A white delivery van was coming and going in between the 20 minute intervals. *clue #3
The 4th day we see the lady a couple rooms down from us out in the parking lot with her mother dog and its litter of puppy's, pit bull mix. Trying to sell the puppy's to people who drove in. *not a clue but made a note, not to accept room #115.
Will spy's a mini van, parked a couple of doors down from us loaded with hula hoops. And not the normal ones, he says sparkle ones *clue #4
A pink feather is found in the parking lot *clue #5

 A lot of truck drivers have shown up in the last few hours. *clue # 6
        and you know what they say about truck drivers

**the following is Text messages between my daughters and my youngest sister.
ME: dad walks down to the vending machines and hears two guys talking ....'and they got 3 guns over there.' he comes back and double locks the door, normally he teases me about double locking.
ME: dad thinks they are filming a porno at the other end of the hotel. Lol sitting here doing under cover surveillance. They have had 2 food delivery's in the last hour. 

                       and not the good porn

PAIGE: ha ha too funny
ME: I think he's board, currently eating popcorn with the curtains barely open
PAIGE: OMG dad is bored !!

JENNIFER: What hotel does dad bring you to?? lol
ME: yep. We just thought we needed someone to tell the police why we were killed :)
THERESA: a promo, for what??
JENNIFER:  just cheeching it up thats all
PAIGE: my co-workers think the porn film is just high and hungry kids
ME: no, porno, not promo
ME: there is a red light shinning through the curtains.
THERESA: omg are you hearing something.
PAIGE: jennifer thinks dad is having SOA withdraw
ME: no its across the parking lot
JENNIFER: well dont you have lights in your room
Jennifer: mom, how dare you questions dad's knowledge of porn.  omg lol
ME: Could be. But dad said he saw someone take a light on a pole from one room to the one next door. And what about the pink feather uh???
PAIGE: lol
ME: not red lights !!
JENNIFER: is dad going to ask if they need help holding the lights lol

ME: plus there was a guy with dreadlocks going between the two rooms.
THERESA: see if they need any extras. does will want you to borrow the pole. can you belly dance /pole dance.
ME: dad just saw a guy carry an empty brown bag into one room and little bit later he came out with stuff in the bag.

 ME: no i only belly dance, no pole dancing....
ME: well I do have pictures, and just fyi you can not look up a license plate online.
JENNIFER: dread locks mean cheech not porn, mom !!
ME: what about the car he saw last night with the hula hoops. I told him they might have been here for a cheer-leading thing. Looked on line and didnt see anything. He says they were not cheer-leading hula hoops. They were porn hula hoops..???
JENNIFER: could be drugs
PAIGE: They know ho's usually aren't the healthiest people unless its a cinnemax porn and they always talk to much anyways. Thats what I have been told I never seen one thou...lol

ME: your father does not do drugs...anymore..lol
ME: well now dad thinks its all drugs, closed the curtains. said been there done that, and wont let me take any more pictures, says thats serious $#!*

ME: well all that excitement wore out the ol man, nap time. He told me to leave the curtains alone
PAIGE: Are you going to blog this

Around 3am Will got up and looked out the window to see what was making noise and he saw a girl wearing daisy dukes and a guy stumble into a room *clue #  oh who cares.

The next day when we check out there are two housekeepers in the lobby dividing up the rooms to be cleaned. 
The clerk tells them room 112 is leaving. 
One housekeeper said, What number, Oh ok. Boy I hope that other room doesnt leave today. 
The other housekeeper says, which one?
You know which one,
ah ha, lordy yes,
Im off tomorrow let Timlinda clean it. 
Awa-ha. She can do that.
Then they both giggle. And shake their heads.

Well there you go.
Do we need to contact Lennord Nimoy and tell him there are more unsolved mystery's in Memphis besides if James Earl Ray acted alone?

Should we let Timlinda know her co-workers think she has exceptional housekeeping skills?

And most importantly, do we really want to know what porn hula hoops look like? 

I love and miss you all