
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

a post about nothing.

Things I have learned while crusin’ around the country side.
Truck driving is a ‘ell of a way to make a living.  It is impossible to succeed without support from family and friends.

No matter how hard you try, you can not slam the curtain between the sleeper and the driver hard enough to convey enough anger and frustration. The Velcro only makes an angry sound when ripping open.

Don’t drink the water in Yuma or El Paso **don’t brush your teeth.  Don’t even have orange juice with breakfast.  It was obviously frozen and reconstituted with tap water.

 If you do, you might make it back to the hotel room, but not the bathroom.

The further east you drive the smaller the lanes get. Also the more people look twice at a female truck driver.

The radio should play more Runrig,

 John Butler Trio, 

and Saffire the Upity Womans Blues. 

 These guys and gals do not get enough air time.

Four-Wheelers (cars) need to learn how to merge. I cant stress enough how dangerous it is to not merge.  It is the vehicle that is merging into traffic has the responsibility to merge safely.

 It is not the traffic’s responsibility to slam on our brakes so you can get on the freeway. Hang up the phone and  drive.  Accelerate and go in front or slow down and line up behind me.  I know you know where your gas pedal is because when you try to squeeze in beside me as the merge lane ends you suddenly find your gas and your finger…. Stop It

Everybody must make a trip to Memphis, actually just Beal Street. I would love to go back. Once was not enough.  The history of music that has walked down that street is unbelievable.  From rock stars, to Country singers, Jimmy Buffett and of course the Blues greats.  

People, you do not really want to see Nebraska, Wyoming, Iowa, the Dakota’s, Arizona, Texas, No you don’t!  You only think you want to see America.  I’ll tell you what you’re missing. Get a brown piece of paper, light brown, tan will do, lay it on a table, there you go, you’re on vacation. 
 Oh wait, let’s go thru the seasons. Place the paper in front of a fan on high and now you’re in Wyoming.  Get the paper wet; place it in the freezers and now your experiencing Nebraska, Iowa, North and South Dakota, and Wyoming.  

 Now put the frozen paper in front of that fan again, still on high, and you’re in Wyoming again.

 **adult supervision is required to visit the next 2 states**place the paper on your stove top, and now you are visiting Arizona and Texas.
There are a  ton of reason NOT to go to Texas….
Just read my blogs....

In fact I understand there is an on line petition that Texas wants to succeed from the union.  Let them. I know where I can get boxes, we can all help them pack. 

When I started this Will said I would only have to drive for 5 years.  By then we would have the bills all paid and have enough money saved to buy a smaller house. One with a smaller tax bill, lower utilities, best of all NO HOUSE PAYMENT. Then we would either rent or sell the house we have now.
Well, we have no car payments, no credit cards. Now all we need a house.  I have updated my housing requirements.  Or lowered them depending on how it look at it. I’m willing to look at manufactured homes in a park. We wanted to stay away from that monthly space rent, but some of them include water, sewer, and garbage. And most of the manufactured homes don’t need a lot of work, paint carpeted.  

We will be home for Christmas. Santa is bring me a granddaughter.

 Jennifer and her husband are expecting baby girl #4 on Dec 22. 
In between holding the new granddaughter, last minute shopping, Christmas dinner at our house, spending time with family, catching up with friends, cleaning the house, see the other grandkids,  I hope we have time to look at houses.  Both stick built and manufactured.

I know this was probably a boring post. You can read my previous posts if you get too bored. 

 Sorry I haven’t been getting lost but since I haven’t posted in a long while thought I should write something
Love and miss you all