
Saturday, May 28, 2011

home and schultz

   May 28,2011
We just got off our home time. We did not accomplish what we set out to do (buy a home to retire in) but there is always next time. l well maybe not the next, next time. We have taxes to pay etc. yuck. Not too sure what we are going to do about schultz. He just doesn’t seem to have much quality of life.  Just lays on his pillow all day. After I washed it and fluffed it up it was too high for him to step onto so he laid next to it with his head on the pillow. I put his brace on and all he did was whine and lay still he didn’t get up to get a eat or drink all day, well half the day, well a few hours, then I felt sorry for him and took it off.  I put it on again the next day and took him for a walk. I wanted him to see how good the brace can be. He loves going for walks.  We went from the neighbor on the left to the neighbor on the right, twice. Then it was time to come back in.  he wasn’t lifting his leg high enough and was dragging it a little and after a few steps his leg would be way behind him and I would have to stop and bring his hind leg forward. Also when he stepped it looked like he was twisting his knee with every step.  Don’t know what to do.

Our home time ended on Monday so we were ready for a load anytime after Monday midnight. They kept sending us loads there were too heavy. After about the 4th one that I denied, the planner messaged back to me, suit yourself but we are 164 loads short in the nw, that’s all we have.  (I love the way they think) I messaged back to him/her that it doesn’t matter how many loads you are short or over that doesn’t make our truck any lighter and able to take that heavy of a load.  They think we turn them down because we prefer not to pull heavy loads. Well we do prefer not to pull heavy ones, the fuel mileage sucks.  Anyway  Wednesday they sent us one going to lathrop, not a long run but gets us on the road so we took it.  We get up to the shipper in portland and they tell us they told swift the load wouldn’t be ready until Thursday.  I doubt that, they told swift that, they just didn’t have it ready and pushed the blame on swift. So I told our dm and asked her what we wanted us to do, do we sit here and get 24 hours of detention pay? Yea right.  So they sent us another load that didn’t picked up until Thursday morning. So about 3 days after we should have been rolling we finally get a load, going to indiapolis, during the indy 500 weekend..

We didn’t have any weather problems and the load delivered just fine.
They sent us a reload to spokane. I didn’t take it because everytime we get there its only paper rools and those are too heavy, it takes us days to get a light enough load out of that area. will had a fit. Said I was thinking to far ahead. That was some good miles we need the miles. So we are  off to a good start already.
 The reload they sent us was to maryland.  Big whoop. 600 miles for a team. But if we can pick it up early then we can deliver it early and maybe be out of there before Monday labor day traffic.
Well that’s about all there is. Everyone have a safe holiday weekend.
Love and miss you all